7 Worst Killer Plagues in history

Smallpox (430 BC? - 1979):Killed more than 300 million people worldwide in the 20th century alone, and most of the native inhabitants of the Americas

Spanish Flu (1918 - 1919):Killed 50 to 100 million people worldwide in less than 2 years

Black Death (1340 - 1771):Killed 75 million people worldwide

Malaria (1600 - today):Kills about 2 million people per year

AIDS (1981 - today):Killed 25 million people worldwide

Cholera (1817 - today):8 pandemics; hundreds of thousands killed worldwide

Typhus (430 BC? - today):Killed 3 million people between 1918 and 1922 alone, and most of Napoleon's soldiers on Russia

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